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Message-ID Rev. Start End Type of Measure Status Degree of Limitation Update Date
Gridpoint GASCADE + GTS
Injection Rate Withdrawal Rate
6124897178670762360 2 09/09/2024 06:00 20/09/2024 18:00 planned Expected 5.722.300 8.796.250 31/05/2023 08:42
The limitation of injection- and withdrawal rate amount to 100%.
6124897178670762360 1 09/09/2024 09:00 20/09/2024 18:00 planned Expected 5.671.900 8.718.750 30/05/2023 13:41
The limitation of injection- and withdrawal rate amount to 100%.
6124897216764827501 1 08/09/2025 06:00 19/09/2025 18:00 planned Expected 5.722.300 8.796.250 13/08/2024 11:25
The limitation of injection- and withdrawal rate amounts to 100%.
6124897216764972378 1 19/09/2025 18:00 26/09/2025 18:00 planned Expected 3.452.313 0 13/08/2024 11:25
The limitation of injection rate amounts to 60%.